Thursday, July 25, 2013

Inspiration and What We're About

On July 13,2013 the world suffered a devastating loss in the passing of Cory Monteith. Not only did the entire world lose a truly amazing human being, Glee fans lost one of their idols. In the days since his passing, the Glee fandom has been in a state of complete and total understandable despair. I can't say that I personally have been a part of this fandom until after the news broke about the loss of Cory. When the news came out, I was at home and it was after midnight and I was actually reading Glee fanfiction (the last chapter of How to Lose a Finn in Ten Days specifically) and I myself was completely destroyed by the news. I spent all night stalking the trending topics on Twitter and mourning with other people who felt just as heartbroken and wretched as I did. I began following other Glee fans so that I could talk to people who understood the feelings that I was feeling since nobody in my real life quite got it. I had been a fan of Cory since I began watching Glee in mid 2010. I was a late comer, admittedly.

I was shocked that I was so affected by Cory's death. I knew I liked him, I followed him on twitter for a long time, I knew I liked the show, and I enjoyed watching and reading his interviews. I didn't realize just how much I cared until after I got a text from a good friend of mine at 12:23a.m who was giving me a heads up about the news because she knew I was a fan. As soon as I read the text I was in a complete and total shock and shortly after that I was a crying wreck and I cried for days after that. I wore blue everyday and have actually continued wearing blue in the honor of Cory's memory.
Thursday I finally started feeling semi normal again. I didn't cry, though I admittedly teared up more times than I would like to admit. I still stalked the trending topics as well as searches of Cory and Lea's names, just so I could be surrounded by people who cared like I cared. But then I began thinking about Cory. His personality, his laughter, all of the lives that he had touched, not just of the ones of those who loved him and were loved by him, but all of the ones that he had helped (and would now, no longer get the opportunity to). He was such a big part of our culture, not just because of Glee but because of his stance on basic human rights such as the freedom to love who you want to love without fear of judgment and his unwavering efforts in all of the charities that he advocated for. And I couldn't help but replay a line for Jane Lynch's interview about Cory, saying "He never left any day unlived."

That one line has stuck with me and has given me a major shock about just how short life truly is. I want to make sure I don't let a single day of my life pass me by without squeezing every drop out of it that I possibly can, because it can all be gone tomorrow. And I want to help others like Cory did. I want to donate and give my time to something that is bigger than just me. I want to make a change, however insignificant, in somebody else's life.
Midnight Train came to me as I was talking to a fellow Glee fan on Twitter, somebody who was having a particularly hard time with everything. And I realized that maybe other's were feeling just as I was feeling. The need to do something, to honor Cory, to continue on the mission that he started in his name because he was such an amazing person and he needed to be remembered for all of the good that he did and not for his tragic death. His generous spirit needed to be not just remembered, but celebrated and continued on by those who he inspired.

The Twilight fandom does a charity every year called The Fandom Gives back where fanfiction authors offer up a one shot/continuation/mini story/full fledged story to the winner of an auction. It was up to the authors as to what they were willing to auction off and many left it up to the winner of the auction. All of the money that these people raised was given directly to Alex's Lemonade Stand (or depending on what major tragic event had just occurred, to a charity aimed at that i.e: Fandom Gives Back Tsunami Relief Edition).
Midnight Train (the title of which was inspired by both Glee and all of the signs and such that I saw on Twitter saying "He didn't die, he just took the midnight train to anywhere.") is essentially The Fandom Gives Back: Glee Style. I am inviting not only fanfic author's of any coupling, but also fanvid makers to offer their hard work and talents to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. All of the proceeds will go directly to Project Limelight in Cory's name, a charity that was near and dear to Cory himself. I consider it a way to not only keep the fandom together, but a way to continue what Cory started, to help others.

This first go around, Project Limelight is the main focus. However, if this is successful, I would love to make it a semi annual event and have the second one go to a drug prevention related cause, something that is obviously on  a lot of our minds as of late.
I want to help others. I want to keep Cory's memory alive. I want to keep this fandom and the friendships that we have all established alive and thriving. I want to make a difference.
If you'd like to offer your talents, you can contact any one of us in charge of this at the official Midnight Train Twitter, Facebook, or here on the main website.

Thank you and never forget:
Don't Stop Believing.

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