Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Clarifications, Clear Ups, and a Plea For Help

We have had some questions that we should address and clear up.

Time Limit:
Ideally, the story/video/art work would be finished and in the hands of the winner a month after bidding ends. However, life happens. Things come up and get in the way. The timeline should be discussed between creator and winner.

Will the story/video/artwork be allowed to be public:
This is up to the winner of the auction. In my experience, it is almost always allowed to be posted onto public forums and shown off to other fans.

Word limits/Length Limits:
This is completely up to the author/fanvid maker. You are the one offering up your talents and hardwork so it is completely up to you how long you want your work to be.

What couples are allowed in this?
Any couples. This may be a Cory based charity, but it is a fandom wide event. Any and all couples are allowed and encouraged even.
In a perfect world, this event would be started with authors/artists/fanvid makers announcing their involvements on August 1st, the bidding lasting two weeks to give everyone a more than fair chance, and then announce the winners on August 14th. However, while many people seem interested and supportive of this adventure, I'm still short on actual participants.
So, please. Ask your favorites, spread the word, help the cause.  We will not be starting the contest until we have at least ten people signed up for this. We want to be able to raise as much money for Project Limelight as possible and want to get as many talented people on board as we possibly can.
No matter if we raise 5 dollars or 500 dollars, this is going to be a success because we're doing it for Cory. We're continuing what he started and doing it together, which is all that really matter.

And as always:
Keep Holding On and Don't Stop Believing.

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